October 17, 2012

K - Project

'K' is one of the coolest animes I'm ever watched. The action, the music, the characters, buildings, schools --- everything about it is cool. I can say, it's the best anime of the winter of 2012.

The story revolves around the protagonist - Isana Yashiro. He's a little weird and laid-back and gets into trouble in the 1'st episode itself and is in the middle of getting himself killed by the end of 1'st episode.
Yatogami Kuroh threatens to kill him as Kuroh was determined to slay the evil king.

Yatogami Kuroh :-

In episode 1 he saves Isana Yashiro from the HOMRA guys and then threatens to kill him.

However, Yashiro escapes and things take a turn. He becomes friends with Yashiro and keeps the HOMRA kids away.

He is popularly known as the 'BLACK DOG' by his enemy.

No Blood! No Bone! No Ash!
HOMRA is referred to a gang that hangs out in the city in the anime. it is leaded by the Third King --- Mikoto Suoh. The members are gifted with special powers that enhances their physical abilities alot.
They has their absolute command over the town. The technicals, censorship, market, are all managed by them via a third party. A typical powerful gang~


She is the white cat that used to hang around Yashiro when it suddenly materialized into a girl when Kuroh was chasing after Yashiro after Yashiro managed to escape.
It seemed that she also have some unidentified power which is closely related to some illusion. 

The Sceptor 4
The men in Aoi (blue)

They are an organization built exclusively to fight and capture the HOMRAs.
They also have the objective power similar to those of the HOMRAs which is inbuilt in their swords.

Watch 'K' online

K | Coolest Quotes

1. Yatogami Kuroh :-  "If you intend to fight me, don't expect any mercy."

2. Yatogami Kuroh :- "Not many can do the "right thing" when it actually counts.

Zetsuen No Tempest | Coolest Quotes

1. Takigawa Yoshino: "Forty thousand brothers could not, with all their love, to make up my sum"

2. Fuwa Mahiro :- "O anger, turn to heat, dry up my brains! This mad thirst for vengeance must be quenched---
no matter how cruel and merciless I become"

October 15, 2012

Zetsuen No Tempest

The time is out of its joint,
O.... cursed spite;
That ever I was born to set it right!

Totally great anime still yet. The story surrounds about two friends, Fuwa Mahiro and Tagikawa Yoshino; close childhood friends. Mahiro's sister, Fuwa Aika gets murdered mysteriously and Mahiro goes out to seek revenge. For that, he accepted Kuraribe Hakaze's help who is the strongest mage (magician) of her clan. I liked it from the very beginning. The two of the friends will experience a a complete new world that awaits `em. Total awesome start, and  hope that it continues well.  

There are some awesome dialogues which I will post lately.


Takigawa Yoshino :-   Has a cool nature and is popular among the ladies. But he often gets bullied by his upperclassmen when Fuwa Mahiro isn't around.
He was in a secret relationship with Mahiro's sister, Aika, before she was dead.

Initially, he was shy and reluctant to fight with Mahiro against the Kurasibe clan, but gradually he joined his friend.

Fuwa Mahiro :- When his sister, Aika was murdered, he went to investigate and find the killer on his own to kill the killer. In that period he meets Kusaribe Hakaze and borrows her mage powers.

He is a kid of the same grade as Yoshino with exemplary fighting abilities. He messes around with street gangs and beats the crap out of them all alone. Often he dragged Yoshino in his fights.  

Kusaribe Hakaze :- She is the strongest mage (magician) of the Kusaribe clan that I have mentioned above. She has been exiled treacherously by her brother, Kusaribe Samon.
She was first seen on a deserted island in a barrel from where it was impossible to contact with the outside world even with the help of magic. She uses the conventional human developed techniques to seek help and that was when she made the contract with Fuwa Mahiro.
She is a little tom-boyish in nature but far too intelligent and powerful.
She also lends her power to Fuwa Mahiro and Takigawa Yoshino in the form of 'talismans'.

What-so-ever, it's definitely worth watching~!

October 11, 2012

Some good Facebook Anime Groups ●‿●

 Given below are the lists of few Facebook groups which you might like. You can also make friends with the members present there. Guys, read the group rules carefully and talk peaceful matters. The groups given here are only Anime groups so you'll mostly get 'otakus' there, so If you're uninterested in animes, please don't join.
Be good, and you'll get good results. Thanks, and welcome~!

You'll get more of such related groups in this post, so keep following.
And if you have an awesome group to all here in this blog then please comment below!

October 10, 2012

Life In Aincrad


And gradually, all players started to spend their life in that virtual space, the world named Aincrad, while their bodies lying alive in the real world. All players are trying their best to clear the game. Forming guilds and fighting in groups was their basics. However, there was a solo player, named Kirito (protaginist).

He there met Asuna, another gamer, and partied with her for the first time, and for a 
short time too. They moved apart and met again after 2 years.

They fell in love, got married inside the game and fought together along the front lines.

See main article "Sword Art Online

October 09, 2012

Sword Art Online (SAO)


In 2022, humanity has finally created a complete virtual environment.

Sword Art Online [S.A.O.] Version 10.31 an R.P.G (Role Play Game) produced by NerveGear and Kayaba Akihiko had been on a great sale on the very first day or release.

Only 10,000 copies were sold in it's first printing. I sold out online in seconds.

Unpredictably, once a player entered in the game's virtual space, there was no option to exit out.

WORDS BE KAYABA AKIHIKO---  "This is a feature on the game that you can't log out unless you clear the game. And no one on the outside can shut down or remove the NerveGear. Should this be attempted, the transmitter inside the NerveGear will emit a powerfull microwave, destroying your brain and thus ending your life.
Unfortunately, several players' friends and families have ignored this WARNING, and have attempted to remove the NerveGear. As a result, 213 players are gone forever from Aincrad and the real world.
And, if you die in the game, ie. if your HP drops to zero, your avatar will be lost forever and simultaneously, the NerveGear will destroy your brain."

Manyuu Hiken chou

Breasts rule this world.
Big breasts promise wealth. This rule is absolute.
Small breasts signify worthlessness.

Breasts rule this world.
Big breasts promise wealth. This rule is absolute.
Small breasts signify worthlessness.
It is not the peaceful Edo period. Within the shogunate exists a powerful political group, one that utilizes assassins and nurtures the big-breasted potential of women.
Their name : THE MANYUU CLAN!
Their sword style focuses of severing the breasts, ignoring the body.
It is said that their carefully guarded Scroll of Secretes contains every technique in existence for developing full and beautiful breasts.

Chifusa, the acrobat-

A pinch of perverted comedy along with wholesome action.

It gives me quite a good laugh, time-to-time.

Holla guys, it's 'oppai' time~!

October 03, 2012

What is an anime?

The word 'Anime' is actually pronounced as Aa-ni-me.
  • People 1 : "Animated manga, only Japanese animations are called anime because of a certain style which must be met, otherwise it's only a mere cartoon."
  • People 2 : "Hmmmmm its a type of cartoon from japan....animated from mangas and transformed into a series. There are many types of anime...like shoujo,shenin,etc."
  • People 3 : "It's a kind of drug for people who are socially introvert."
  • People 4 : "....AnimE is certainly meaningful to one's life.... Therefore, it's my life~"
  • People 5 : "It's a boredom killer."
  • People 6 : "Awesome japanese animations which i have a hard time accepting the truth that the girls will never be real and nor will the girls in my school will ever mini skirts"
  •  People 7 : "Hmmmmm....an anime is something which includes someone's imagination into reality through pics and making those pics alive.....i guess"
  • People 8 : "Anime is life... Merely the otakus who have died re-bourne in someones imaginations and there lives thrown together... So all the love that person couldn't have in this one. .. Could be found and kept in that one ANIME"
  • People 9 : "Anime is what makes us learn from what we see in it"
  • People 10 : "Well...hmmm...Anime is reality.. Anime is Fiction. Anime is Life. Anime is Leisure"
  • People 11 : "To me, Anime is something much more precious and important.Anime is umm... a medicine for me. It gives me relief from stress of studies and blah blah"
  • People 12 : "Entertainment, Fun. Something that teaches you about Determination, Will Power, Hardwork. It describes phases of life which parents cant xD"


    All the above comments are views of random people from my Facebook friendlist.

    All of them love animes, just like YOU (^_^)

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