October 15, 2012

Zetsuen No Tempest

The time is out of its joint,
O.... cursed spite;
That ever I was born to set it right!

Totally great anime still yet. The story surrounds about two friends, Fuwa Mahiro and Tagikawa Yoshino; close childhood friends. Mahiro's sister, Fuwa Aika gets murdered mysteriously and Mahiro goes out to seek revenge. For that, he accepted Kuraribe Hakaze's help who is the strongest mage (magician) of her clan. I liked it from the very beginning. The two of the friends will experience a a complete new world that awaits `em. Total awesome start, and  hope that it continues well.  

There are some awesome dialogues which I will post lately.


Takigawa Yoshino :-   Has a cool nature and is popular among the ladies. But he often gets bullied by his upperclassmen when Fuwa Mahiro isn't around.
He was in a secret relationship with Mahiro's sister, Aika, before she was dead.

Initially, he was shy and reluctant to fight with Mahiro against the Kurasibe clan, but gradually he joined his friend.

Fuwa Mahiro :- When his sister, Aika was murdered, he went to investigate and find the killer on his own to kill the killer. In that period he meets Kusaribe Hakaze and borrows her mage powers.

He is a kid of the same grade as Yoshino with exemplary fighting abilities. He messes around with street gangs and beats the crap out of them all alone. Often he dragged Yoshino in his fights.  

Kusaribe Hakaze :- She is the strongest mage (magician) of the Kusaribe clan that I have mentioned above. She has been exiled treacherously by her brother, Kusaribe Samon.
She was first seen on a deserted island in a barrel from where it was impossible to contact with the outside world even with the help of magic. She uses the conventional human developed techniques to seek help and that was when she made the contract with Fuwa Mahiro.
She is a little tom-boyish in nature but far too intelligent and powerful.
She also lends her power to Fuwa Mahiro and Takigawa Yoshino in the form of 'talismans'.

What-so-ever, it's definitely worth watching~!


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